Extracorporeal Free Flap Perfusion Using Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Device An Experimental Model


Abstract: Extracorporeal perfusion of organs has a wide range of clinical applications like prolonged vital storage of organs, isolated applications of drugs, bridging time to transplant, and free composite tissue transfer without anastomosis, but there are a limited number of experimental models on this topic. This study aimed to develop and evaluate a human extracorporeal free flap perfusion model using an extracorporeal membrane oxygenation device. Five patients undergoing esthetic abdominoplasty participated in this study. Deep inferior epigastric artery perforator flaps were obtained abdominoplasty flaps, which are normally medical waste, used in this model. Deep inferior epigastric artery perforator flaps were extracorporeally perfused with a mean of 6 days. The biochemical and pathological evaluations of the perfusions were discussed in the article.

Yayına ulaşmak için tıklayın - Extracorporeal Free Flap Perfusion Using Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Device An Experimental Model