Crossover replantation as a salvage procedure following bilateral transhumeral upper limb amputation: a case report


Cross-over replantation is a salvage option for cases with bilateral extremity amputations where the wound conditions do not enable an orthotopic replantation. Here, we present a 24-year-old patient who applied to our
center with bilateral transhumeral amputations. Due to the wound conditions, a cross-over replantation was performed. 24 months after the initial operation, the patient exhibits good protective sensation at the distal levels and
function to some degree, whereas the active range of motion is not as promising as previously expected. In this article, we present this case together with its immediate and long-term outcomes and the consequences of the cross-over replantation.

Yayına ulaşmak için tıklayın - Crossover replantation as a  salvage procedure following bilateral transhumeral upper limb amputation: a case report