Başlık Süzgeci      # Görüntüle  
# Öğe Başlığı İzlenimler
1 Isolated intraneural schwannoma of the median nerve 5778
2 Advantages of using volar vein repair in finger replantations 5344
3 Triangular fibrokartilaj kompleks periferik (Palmer tip 1B) yırtıklarında artroskopik tamir sonuçları 5492
4 Geissler 2. ve 3. derece skafolunat interossöz bağ hasarlanmalarında artroskopik dorsal kapsüloligamentöz onarım sonuçları 5332
5 Elin duyu restorasyonu 4659
6 A descriptive study of 972 consecutive cases of carpal tunnel release: role of ancillary procedures 5206
7 A neglected closed elbow dislocation with complete brachial artery injury 3434
8 Atypically localized glomus tumors 3487
9 Dorsal approach for vascular repairs in distal finger replantations 4706
10 Heterotopic replantations in mutilating hand injuries, presentation of three cases 3481
11 Increasing the accuracy of sterile marker pens 3626
12 The plate fixation in the treatment of complex forearm open fractures 6891
13 Surgical treatment of subungual glomus tumors: Experience with lateral subperiosteal and transungual approaches 3441
14 The function and the strength of the thumb is not affected when the extensor pollicis longus tendon is left out of the extensor retinaculum 4268
15 Treatment of bony mallet finger using threaded kirschner wire 6448
16 Volar bilek ganglionlarının cerrahi tedavisi 3548
17 A new technique in fingertip defects including nail lost reverse dorsal fascial flap with skin graft 2940
18 Epidemiological and histopathological analysis of soft tissue tumors of the hand 2448
19 Technical tips in distal finger replantations 3146
20 Cilt ve cilt altı örtüsüne ait komplikasyonlar 2555
21 Sporcularda el bileği yaralanması 3659
22 Arthroscopic hemitrapeziectomy and suture button suspensionplasty 3049
23 Extracorporeal Free Flap Perfusion Using Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Device An Experimental Model 1897
24 Results of the 4-5 ECA vascularized pedicle bone grafting in avascular pseudoarthroses of the scaphoid proximal pole 2230
25 Perforator artery repair in revascularization of extremity degloving injuries 1928
26 A novel nerve transfer 1912
27 Harvesting olecranon bone graft in adults by using bone biopsy trephine 1658
28 Intramedullary venous drainage system for distal fingertip replantations 1597
29 Management of upper extremity war injuries in the subacute period: A review of 62 cases 1609
30 Olecranon bone grafting for the treatment of nonunion after distal finger replantation 1595
31 Rehabilitation after successful finger replantation 1701
32 Replantation of the total skin-only avulsions of fingers 1648
33 Successful reconstruction of osteocutaneous defect of calcaneal area with allogeneic bone graft and anterolateral thigh flap 1403
34 Trephine biopsy versus conventional open surgical technique for bone graft harvesting from the olecranon A retrospective comparison of perioperative outcomes 2383
35 A single K‑wire to prevent poor outcomes in closed soft‑tissue mallet finger management due to patient non-compliance 2375
36 El Bileği Artroskopisi 2922
37 Triangüler Fibrokartilaj Kompleks Sorunlarında Tanı ve Tedavi 1588
38 Gözden Kaçan Perilunat Karpal Dislokasyonda Dorsal Yaklaşım ve Geçici Tespit Prosedürünün Orta-Uzun Dönem Sonuçları 1121
39 A new technique in surgical treatment of congenital and spontaneous extensor tendon snapping: Dorsalization-ulnarization of the metacarpal head 1150
40 Arthroscopic Dorsal Ligamentocapsulodesis in the Treatment of Isolated Lunotriquetral Interosseous Ligamentous Injury: A Retrospective Case Series of 22 Patients 1151
41 Suture-button Fixation and Arthroscopic Dorsal Ligamento-capsulodesis in Chronic Scapholunate Dissociation 1274
42 Reverse sural flap: Our clinical experience with car tire injuries in the anterolateral aspect of the foot 1207
43 Soft Tissue Management and Tibialis Posterior Tendon Transfer in Acute Correction for Neglected Drop Foot Deformity 1221
44 Volar V-Y advancement flap without suturing of proximal part for reconstruction of fingertip amputations 935
45 Treatment of persistent large cystic lesions of the humerus with vascularized fibular grafts 898
46 Comparison of Clinical Outcomes in Open and Arthroscopically-assisted Mini Open Proximal Row Carpectomy for Lichtman Stage IIIB and IIIC Kienböck Disease 905
47 Lunotrikuetral eklem problemleri 971
48 Clinical Results of A Novel Arthroscopic Microfracture Technique For Chondral Lesions of The Lunate 842
49 Comparative Study, Walant vs Axillary Block in Carpal Tunnel Surgery 493
50 Why is Nerve Ultrasound Scan Necessary for Peripheral Nerve Lesions? 480
51 Zone II fleksör tendon yaralanmalarında tendon protezi ile fleksör tendoplasti uygulamalarımız 10728
52 An easy way of harvesting olecranon bone graft in adults by using bone biopsy trephine 5869
53 Heterotopic replantations in mutilating hand injuries, presantation of three cases 5952
54 Two suture fish mouth end to side microvascular anastomosis with fibrin glue 6083
55 How to prevent the avulsed soft tissues from wrapping around the K-wire 5827
56 An alternative classification of occupational hand injuries based on etiologic mechanisms: The ECOHI Classification 7080
57 Implementation of locking compression plate together with intramedullary fibular graft in atrophic type humeral nonunions 5904
58 Crossover replantation as a salvage procedure following bilateral transhumeral upper limb amputation: a case report 6370
59 How to prevent the avulsed soft tissues from wrapping around the K-wire 5958
60 How to prevent the avulsed soft tissues from wrapping around the K-wire 6663
61 Results of open reduction and plate osteosynthesis in comminuted fracture of the olecranon 6134
62 Evaluation of patients undergoing removal of glass fragments from hand injuries: A retrospective study 7979
63 Treatment of nonunion of the distal phalanx with olecranon 6003
64 An anomalous course of the radial artery:Dissect rather than resect 5941
65 Yüzük parmağı metakarpofalangeal ekleminde sinovyal kondromatozis: Olgu sunumu 6355
66 Atypical presentation of tuberculous tenosynovitis of the hand 5899
67 Olecranon bone graft: Revisited 6162
68 Ağır hasarlı el yaralanmalarında tedavi sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesi 6247
69 Treatment of nonunions of the distal phalanx with olecranon bone graft 7296
70 Sensory outcomes of fingertip replantations without nerve repair 5910
71 Başparmak distal uç amputasyonlarında replantasyon uygulamalarının uzun dönem sonuçları 5986
72 Tenar çekiç sendromu 6557
73 Parmak replantasyonlarında rehabilitasyon uygulamalarımız ve fonksiyonel sonuçlarımız 6631
74 Artroskopik tamir yapılan triangular fibrokartilaj kompleks periferik (palmer tip1b) yırtıklarında erken dönem değerlendirme sonuçları 5907
75 Triangular fibrokartilaj kompleks hasarlanmaları tanı ve tedavisi;ön klinik çalışma türk plastik, rekonstrüktif ve estetik cerrahi dergisi 8508
76 El bileği bölgesel anestezisi altında minimal insizyon ile karpal tünel sendromu gevşetme operasyonu sonuçları 7334
77 Parmak ucu amputasyonlarda replantasyon tekniği 7007
78 El ve el bileği yerleşimli sinovyal tüberküloz olgularında tedavi planı:Üç olgu sunumu planı 6508
79 Distal interfalangeal eklem distal falanks seviyesinde replantasyon sonuçları 12795
80 Sinovyal tüberkülozda genel prensipler;tanı ve tedavi yaklaşımları 5909
81 Pott Hastalığı 6659